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How to activate your iPhone after restore

Now were going to activate your restored iPhone. Note that GEVEY Ultra S cannot unlock your CDMA iPhone unless it's activated. Also note that the original network SIM card is still being used.

So slide open your iPhone and go through the prompts. Enable location services and press next. This next part is important. You must be able to connect your iPhone to a wireless network. Since we haven't activated your iPhone just yet, you won't have 3G or 4G internet service from your network. So connect to a Wifi network and enter a password if needed, then click next.

Now we'll need to sign in with an Apple ID. If you don't have one, go ahead and create one here. For demonstration purposes, we'll use my current Apple ID, enter the password and click next to sign into your Apple account. Agree to the terms of service and click agree with the pop up notice, and then wait a few minutes while Apple sets up your Apple ID. We'll seed through that.

Now we'll go through the iPhone set up, so just follow the prompts and make the selects for the services according to your preferences. On the diagnostics page, we recommend clicking on Don't Send. We're not sure exactly what info is sent, but best not to let Apple anything right now. Click next to see the thank you screen, and now your iPhone is activated.